
The Magic Inside Me | Season: 4 Episode: 10 FINALE

So you probably want a speech, don’t you?
K, I’m not a pro at speeches.
Fix my grammar if you are so desperate.

It was a fun time making Edventures episodes, but tbh with you, i don’t know why people liked these series.
At first, back in 2012, i just wanted to make few videos about my OC, but popularity grew and there was more demand to see more of Ed’s adventures, so i had to continue and name these videos with episodes and seasons.
I understood that i had to grow and be more professional and i had to leave making these series in Garry’s Mod and start with Source Filmmaker.
There are a lot of things i screwed up in the story, that is because i was new in making such videos.
Cape was originally just a random prop i wanted to add in background for lols, but as series went, i decided to add him to be part of the story.
I didn’t know how popular these series will be, I’m glad people enjoyed them.
People made Edventures to progress. Originally it wasn’t planned for Cordelia and Ed be together, but people wanted that to happen.
Originally i wanted to finish Edventures in late 2014, but things changed and then was moved to 2015, then the voice actor problem occurred and i only now finished Edventures.

Voice actors.
I would like to thank all voice actors who participated in voicing for these series. Without them, Edventures would continue being silent and would progress in being boring.
There have been a lot of changes in voice actors, many had to be replaced, which made many delays in next episodes.
I didn’t fully understand why DaWillstanator left voicing Ed and others for my videos, but he was a good voice actor, after he left i had to find a replacement and i found an amazing voice actor and a good friend- Edward James, who voices now Ed and Trystan.
Cordelia voice actress left due to hard times in real life and she has no time voicing now.
All voice actors did an amazing job and i want to thank them for their support.
I always tried to use their voice in best way possible in the series.
It takes few weeks to wait for voices. You have to understand that i can’t rush voice actors.
Everyone thought i was voicing Ed and those who were smart enough to read credits understood that i wasn’t voicing Ed, but asked me why i wasnt voicing my own OC- I am not a voice actor.

Negativity in human nature is more common than positivity, thats understandable, but i thought MLP:FIM would teach them how to be more friendly, i guess that didn’t work.
People decided to hate on me because of my success, many were so jealous, they didn’t understand that i am one man operation on putting these videos together. I am only one who does all animations. If people wouldn’t hate, i would share my discoveries and secrets with others, but so far i had to be silent and not helping others.
The popular brony website don’t promote my content because it’s very hard to admit things in human nature, they saw how successfully i progressed.
There were a lot of complains about animations, if someone would’ve helped me, they would be a lot better, i improved a lot over the years and i will continue to keep improving.

Sweetie Belle + Ed brought a lot of hate towards my channel, people thought that my OC was showing the real me, and people thought i was a pedophile. Sweetie Belle is my favorite pony and thats why i wanted to bring her in the series and add a story to her, but we now know it wasn’t the best idea.
I am not very communicative person and its also the reason people hated me- because i didn’t communicate much. Talking too much, isn’t my thing. I always try to avoid communication and i don’t express myself that much, i let other people to express themselves.

If there would be no hate, there would be a lot more positive things going on.

I had 3 script editors who edited scripts for episodic videos or videos with voices in them.

DaWillstanator did an amazing job with helping me, he played a big role in these series- Editing and voicing Ed and many others. Huge thanks to him.

Edward James started to edit in mid season 4, big thanks to him for helping me to finish Edventures. He also was a replacement for Ed voice.

There will also be required new script editors for Lenora and Finola due to person who edited the scripts has left the friendship with me and last thing he left for me were bad thoughts about him, last thing he said that he can still edit the scripts but i believe that if i cant communicate friendly with him, then the LF progress wont be successful. He did a great job on editing my other videos with voices as well, i still want to thank him for big help.

Production time.
Every video, especially episodic or longer than 10 min videos require a lot of work and previously took only 1 week, but now take 2 weeks to puzzle everything together to get good quality.
It takes few hours to write the script, then i send editor to edit them- fixing grammar and adding few ideas.
One shot takes 1 min to 15 minutes to animate, usually around 7 minutes.
I am very picky on small details of each videos, so i try to make each video as best as i can.
One episode takes to finish around 35 Hours- animations and putting everything together.
As i said before, i have to wait few weeks for voices to be finished.

There is still so much for me to learn to make episodic videos.

Lenora and Finola was written in late 2014. The Adventures will continue with Lenora and Finola, which isn’t safe for children to watch and contains explicit materials.
I want to bring new type of viewers, parents should keep an eye what their kid watches on internet and if it watches something like Lenora and Finola and parent complains in comments, that it just shows that he does bad parenting.
Will we see Ed sometime again? – Most likely yes.
Will we see more episodes of Ed? – Most likely no.

I have a lot of plans on my channel and i have tons of videos in plans, so there wont be “Running out of ideas” situation.

There will be a video soon telling what people i need to start helping me. Not many people do so much effort like i do to make these videos.

I am thankful for those who helped participating in production of these series. (voice actors, modelers, editors…)

6 replies on “The Magic Inside Me | Season: 4 Episode: 10 FINALE”

I had no idea how much effort you put into making these videos and I’m very happy that you kept going even though you had so many setbacks, like voice actors and script writers leaving.

I really enjoyed this series a lot and i’m very sad to hear that it’s going to end here, but i do understand why. If you have gotten so much hate much hate for the thing with Sweetie Belle and your success i could imagine that it takes a lot of fun out of making these videos. I’d also imagine that it would feel kind of bad to have to change the script due to popular demand.

If you really want to stop the series here, I understand completely, but i really hope that you will reconsider since i would love to watch another season if you can make it as good as the other 4. If you decide to make more episodes I won’t be one of those “GIVE-ME-A-NEW-EPISODE-NOW-fans”. No rush, I, at least, am willing to wait for good quality episodes, which i’d guess, are more satisfying to make.

But thanks for putting so much effort into making Edventures the great show that it is. I have enjoyed it a lot and i really hope it can get another season, if not more. I’m looking forward to see what your video will be 🙂

You’ve made good animations Ed. I know people can be dense, so that will never change unfortunately.

I really enjoyed the series and I am happy to say you did an amaizng job together with those who assisted you in the making. I wish you good fortune in the time to come. Cheers!

I understand that you put a lot of effort to your channel.I apologise for critizing most of your Edventure videos/episodes.
Sometimes hate always happen and it is impossible to avoid it.I subscribe to your channel since I first time watch your Edventure episode.If you decided to end the series,I’m fine with it.Hopefully you can find some ‘class’ voice actors so you can improve your channel’s content and improve your animation skill ☺.
BTW,please dont ended LF series.I know the series is pretty much have a ton of impropiate jokes,it suppose to be funny so dont take it to seriously.
That is all for my speech,I will pray for your success of your channel in the future.

At first I didn’t like it when sweetie Belle became obsessed with ed and it did make me uncomfortable, but seeing the video where Ed said that this one mare, made him comfortable in a place. Being comfortable at someone his age. I hoped sweetie belle understands that because she’s just a little filly, and Ed’s an adult stallion. But besides that tho, I liked your videos. They were like valuable lessons. I now think that’s why I subscribed to your channel. And btw, we all know that Generation 5 is coming to take over My little Pony, but appealing or not, Generation 4 will always be the one main animated series. Long live MLP:FIM!!!!

Thanks for all your definitely hard work making this series! It was great joy to watch it, despite I’m actually not a fan of MLP:FIM series itself and never wathched any of original episodes.
The first ED’s episode, that caught my eye among random youtube stuff, was S4E4, so I was a bit shocked, when started from S1E1 after that. I think, my face at the moment was someway similar to Molestia’s.
It’s sad to see so much offence from viewers. Especially about SB+Ed plot. First, I do not understand peoeple, who took the story from the first episode so seriously. Second, this plot is about the thing, that sometimes happens in the real world, even without ‘savior’ scenario. On rare occasion, teenagers could attach to their adult… m-m-m… fellows (not sure, if I’m using correct word) they’re trust to the point they believe it’s ‘love’. This is pretty difficult situation for the adult ‘partners’: they can’t ‘let it go’ due to few reasons (and the public conviction is only one of them), and can’t simply reject, because it will hurt their younger fellows, even to the point, where it could cause some psycological problems. I’ve had such situation in my past, and it was like walking by blade’s edge over the bottomless rift. It took me about 2 years to quit this situation in a most diplomatic and careful way I was capable of.
But most of the folk doesn’t try to understand the whole problem, they simply put the label ‘Pedophile!’, making things even worse.

That’s why I’m feeling so sad about how the story ended. Of course, every friend of Ed from ‘first’ Ponyville will miss him, but SB could even never fully recover from her loss, making her wait for him throughout whole her life. I feel bad for her.
I know, each good story should end, soner or later. But this time I’d prefer ‘later’, prefer really happy end, despite I hate ‘happy end’
stamp in general. I understand, two years since last series release passed already, but I still hope to see fifth episode. Ready to wait ’em as long as needed.
P.S. My english is pretty bad, I know. I’m sorry.

Thanks for all your definitely hard work making this series! It was great joy to watch it, despite I’m actually not a fan

of MLP:FIM series itself and never wathched any of original episodes.
The first ED’s episode, that caught my eye among random youtube stuff, was S4E4, so I was a bit shocked, when started from

S1E1 after that. I think, my face at the moment was someway similar to Molestia’s.
It’s sad to see so much offence from viewers. Especially about SB+Ed plot. First, I do not understand peoeple, who took

the story from the first episode so seriously. Second, this plot is about the thing, that sometimes happens in the real

world, even without ‘savior’ scenario. On rare occasion, teenagers could attach to their adult… m-m-m… fellows (not

sure, if I’m using correct word) they’re trust to the point they believe it’s ‘love’. That’s pretty complicated situation

for the adult ‘partners’: they can’t ‘let it go’ due to few reasons (and the public conviction is only one of them), and

can’t simply reject, because it will hurt their younger fellows, even to the point, where it could cause some psycological

problems. I’ve had such situation in my past, and it was like walking by blade’s edge over the bottomless rift. It took me

about 14 months to fully quit this situation in a most diplomatic and careful way I was capable of.
But most of the folk doesn’t try to understand the whole problem, they simply put the label ‘Pedophile!’, making things

even worse.

That’s why I’m feeling so sad about how the story ended. Of course, every friend of Ed from ‘first’ Ponyville will miss

him, but SB could even never fully recover from her loss, making her wait for him throughout whole her life. I feel bad

for her.
I know, each good story should come to an end, sooner or later. But this time I’d prefer ‘later’, prefer really happy end,

despite I hate ‘happy end’ stamp in general. I understand, more than two years since last episode release passed already,

but I still hope to see fifth season. Ready to wait ’em as long as needed.
P.S. My english is pretty bad, I know. I’m sorry.

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